Sunday Selfies: Week #346


Respect Your Cat Day


Do you like my box selfie? Our dad calls boxes cat traps. Leave a box anywhere in our house or on the catio, and one can catch a cat almost immediately. But I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. Do you know what is better than one box? Two (or more), of course. The one I am in was just one of two in our foyer. So I am not the only cat Dad caught, but I am the one who gets to share my selfie.

Today is Respect Your Cat Day. What better way to respect us than to not only give us good homes and love but also to give us things we love…like boxes, lots of attention and nommy treats!

I hope you are getting the respect you deserve as well as other great things today. I also hope you will share your selfies with us as well. All of us Kitties Blue love seeing your adorable and smiling faces.

If you don’t post on Sundays or cannot join us today, it’s okay. Our hop remains open through Thursday.

Thanks for visiting.

Purrs and paw-pats, Kizmet