

Our Caturday Art featured Lily Olivia. Our friend, Glogirly, commented that it appeared as if Lily Olivia was on the kitchen countertop in that photo. And she was correct. In Mauricio’s Sunday Selfies yesterday, he too was on the kitchen countertop.

Glogirly has been having problems with some kitty (Katie? – Waffles?) counter surfing. We voted for Katie. I tried linking to Glogirly’s original post, but I was unable to get the link to work. Click here to go to her blog. You can then search for the post, “WHODUNNIT? Crime Scene on the Countertop.”

Kitties Blue are not banned from the counters. Lily Olivia eats breakfast and dinner on the counter as do Astrid and Misty May on occasion. They have a water bowl right next to the sink and their antique dough bowl/cat bed is on the counter.

We originally mandated: No Cats on the Countertops. But when both their dad and I worked full-time, we knew we had no control over any kitty mischief going on while we were not at home. With that in mind, we made the rule: No Paws on the Placemats. That, we assumed, would keep them from hovering over our plates and drooling on our food. (You can read more about the Rules, here.)

Somewhere along the way, we lost control. Could be because we are old, senile or just too damned tired to fight them. After all, there are eight of them and only two of us. Some of our sweet and well-behaved naughty kitties, usually Mau or Lily, have a tendency to troll the counters during mealtimes and gang up on us. At least one of them is being reprimanded and dropped to the floor only to return again and again. It’s like the cat is a yo-yo.

At 15, Lily Olivia has pretty much decided that she is exempt from following any rules, as evidenced by the above photo. (Actually, being a calico, she has thought this all along.)

The extenuating circumstance of it not being mealtime might make this not quite as huge an infraction as it appears. However, no matter how big of a deal we might think this is, Lily was left undisturbed. After all, she’s known to have the quickest paw in the east.

I am very slowly getting around to all of you who posted a Sunday Selfie. Still not well and so I am not spending a lot of time on the computer. My thanks to everybody who joined us.

See you tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.