July 3, 2022


Sunday Selfies: Week # 411

It was fine with me when Mom said I would be hosting Sunday Selfies today. And I was even okay when she said I would probably dress up my selfie for Independence Day. However, I think she went way overboard.


sleeping ginger cat surround by red, white & blue stars and balloons


When a cat is as handsome as I am, he does not need to have his photo messed with in this way. I do apologize for snoozing during my selfie, but I am certain you don’t mind too much about that.

Though Mom made a puzzle of Misty May for you yesterday, she decided to create yet another one for today. I think she was trying to make up for botching my selfie. Please do not feel obligated to do the puzzle. Mom botched up that as well by making it ridiculously difficult.

preview130pieceIndependence Day Ginger Cat

Now its’s time for you to share your selfie with us. If your human decided to dress up your photo, I hope s/he used better judgment than mine. Fancy or not, it doesn’t matter. My fursibs, all your friends and I cannot wait to see your adorable face.

I do recommend you have a super easy Sunday, as you know both tonight and tomorrow night will get pretty noisy as the humans celebrate.

Thank you for being hoppers, followers, supporters and friends.

Purrs and paw-pats, Cooper Murphy