It must have as that’s what it would take for these two to cuddle. If ever there was a Doozy of a Snoozy, this is it.






Mauricio and Lily Olivia are not friends and never have been. Mauricio does not terrorize Lily like Misty May does, but I am pretty sure he’d rather spend an eternity in hell (frozen or otherwise) in lieu of befriending her.

These photos were taken two nights ago and in the order shown. Mau, Lily and Calista Jo were all piled on top of me in bed. It is clear Lily knows (unless senility has set in at her advanced age of 16) that Mauricio is there. Nonetheless, she decides to remain and even snuggle with him. This is where she sleeps at night, and so I am guessing she had no intention of giving it up, especially to Mauricio.

I am pleased to report that no smacky paws ensued, especially as I most likely would have taken a beating as well.

Other News

I just got a notice that Justin Timberlake is following @KittiesBlue on Twitter. REALLY? Of course, I had to follow back. It would be rude not to…right? If I were thirty years younger and unmarried and he was not married with a child…well I better stop there.

The Cat on My Head will have a special interview near the end of the month with one of your favorite stars from Animal Planet. Be sure and stay in touch here and on Twitter. You won’t want to miss it!

hellIf you haven’t read our review of The Cat’s Out of the Bag by Max Cryer, you still have the opportunity to do so and leave a comment for the chance to win a copy of the book. This really is a must read for anybody with an interest in cats. Click here to leave a comment. Giveaway ends Friday at 5 p.m.

We’ll that’s all folks! We’ll see you tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.