March 22, 2015


Well, the first day of Spring has come and gone. So many of our furiends are still dealing with cold and snow, which doesn’t make us very happy. It was warm enough here today for our humans to take a 26-mile bike ride, They saw two groundhogs. So it seems as if those wily marmots have decided Spring is officially here.

Anyway, today is our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, and we can all take those selfies whether it’s cold and snowy or warm and sunny. I took my selfies on the ess scratcher/lounger Fiona and I received for our shared birthday. I have pretty much claimed it as all mine, but I have allowed Fiona to join me a few times. Mom will share those photos later in the week.

So here I am, Miss Floofy with the green eyes. I hope Clooney likes these photos. I wanted to show you my amazing toesies and so asked Mom to help me with the second photo. You don’t mind, do you?





I chose a nice spring green border for the frames on my selfies. (I might have selected it as it enhanced my eyes.)

We had 56 entries in the blog hop last week. Thanks so much to every furry who pawticipated. Purrlease join us again this week. It only takes a minute or two to snap your photos and then return to your easy. If you can stay awake a wee bit longer, ask your furiends to join us and try to visit the blogs of the other pawticipants. We’ve been meeting and making some very nice, new furiends.

As always, we’d like to request that if you take the code below so the submissions will appear on you blog, purrlease link back to The Cat on My Head and/or display our badge.

If you’d like to join but have trouble linking up, leave us a note in the comments. My mom will enter the link for you.

Purrs and paw-pats, Miss Floofy Giulietta (with a kiss for Clooney)

p.s. On behalf of the entire furmily, I would like to apologize for not visiting today. With the bike ride and a Sadie Hawkins Dance at Cat Scouts, attended by Mau, Lisbeth and Astrid, we ran out of time. I promise we will visit all those who enter the blog hop.